User-defined Property
Purpose: Learn to define any property in a database in a format similar to that of the Gibbs energy and plot the contour lines of the defined property on a multi-component phase diagram.
Module: PanPhaseDiagram
Thermodynamic and property Database: AlNi_U.tdb
Batch file: Example_#1.21.pbfx
The molar volume of Al-Ni binary system is taken as an example here. Instead of using the specific variable Vm for molar volume, we define a property of U to represent the molar volume. In the database file (.tdb), first define the property U with the keyword “USER_PROPERTY” as
Type_Definition a USER_PROPERTY U 1 !
Then, define the property U as a function of x, the mole fraction, with the keyword “VARIABLE X”:
For any phase with such a property U, include “ab” in the phase definition such as in “Liquid” phase,
Phase Liquid %ab 1 1 !
The parameters for the property are defined in the format similar to that of the Gibbs energy. An example file “AlNi.tdb” is included in the Pandat example folder. A batch file “Example_#1.21.pbfx” is also included in the same folder, which produces an identical contour diagram as shown in Figure 1 except that the property name is U instead of Vm. It should emphasize again that U can be any property.
Calculation Procedures:
Load AlNi_U.tdb following the procedure in Pandat User's Guide: Load Database , and select both components;
Pop out dialog for Section (2D) Calculation, then click “Contour Lines” to open the contour line dialog as shown in Figure 2;
Choose “User Custom Type” and click AddType in “U” for the Contour Type in the “Properties” window as shown in Figure 2.
Click OK and perform calculation. The obtain diagram with labeling is shown as Figure 1.